A nest hidden among the reeds in a marsh. When I captured this image, I noticed the items the bird used to construct its nest with.
I stood on the boardwalk that makes its way through the marsh, breathing in the sweet and cool fall air. The reeds sway in the breeze, the black birds flutter in the marsh grasses dancing from one area to the next. This is why I goto the woods, why I photograph.
Taking the time to experience where you are, is just as important as the photos that you are there to capture. When you allow yourself to really be present in a place, to witness what it has to offer, it will help by informing you what and how to photograph your subject.
Its all in the details. Finding the little details is like a treasure hunt. These gems, add so much to your experience, texture of the seed husk with the soft cotton tendrils straining to catch a breeze to carry them off.
Great Blue Herring just taking flight after I accidentally made a noise by stepping on a small twig. Its so important to be mindful of your surroundings, it will help you images a ton, Ugh-LOL.