
Year(s) of the Asterisk * (06/25/2020) by BIlly Sauerland

Lake Greenleaf State Park, Fall in Oklahoma at 12:30 am. ©Billy Sauerland

Lake Greenleaf State Park, Fall in Oklahoma at 12:30 am. ©Billy Sauerland

The above image was taken during a night of camping at Lake Greenleaf State Park, Oklahoma. I was camping with a friend of mine Elizabeth “Moe” Barton. We took the opportunity to go camping and to catch up with each other. She had spent the previous summer in Alaska working at the Kennicott Glacier Lodge, in Wrangle St-Elias National Park. That night we shared where we are at the moment in our lives and where we might be going. She also shared some stories from her adventures that summer, like the one about how a bear cub stole her campfire mojo.

What does that mean? Asterisk* : a symbol (*) used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter.

In this case it’s omitted matter. What’s been going on since the last post? Both a lot and nothing much, huh? The latter part of 2018 was a MF’r to say the least. Not to go into too much detail, my sister with whom I didn’t have the best relationship with passed away, on Nov 21st, after sometime in the hospital. Then in December my mother went into the hospital with pneumonia, thankfully she recovered and was released to go home. These two events, more so my sister’s passing, triggered some long deeply seeded issues I have with myself and my past. By the time January arrived I thought I had been dealing pretty well, wanting and feeling the need to move on, I moved into my own space for the first time in several years. Up until then I had been renting a room in a friend’s house, sharing an apartment with a friend. I felt good and things where moving forward, until they weren’t. What I had lead myself to think was that I had been processing things well. I even remember waking up one morning in the middle of December thinking I felt good and was doing well. Looking back I believe I was actually in some kind of denial, and that I had actually shifted into a previous mode I use to live in all the time. Growing up my life was always in some kind of chaos, always having to deal with one f’ed up situation or another. So in a strange way, the end of 2018 seemed familiar and oddly comfortable. And that whole frame of mind flowed into the beginning of 2019. Until sometime around late March or early April, when after being alone in my apartment for a couple months everything really began to surface and I began to spiral. It wasn’t an all encompassing debilitating depression, but I could just not function when I didn’t have to. On the weekend I would just not exist then when Monday would come I would function, I would goto work, barely and that’s about it. The 2019 holiday season was pretty low for me. I spent them with my mom as usual, checking all the boxes I am supposed to. I needed to create a break in my behavior, in my thoughts. Then when January 2020 came around, I am not one for resolutions, I began to make some changes. So around the second week of January I joined a gym and began working out, having not worked out on a regular basis since my twenties, it was slow going but I did the work to start the movement forward, ugh. I also started a new retirement/investment account, starting today is better than starting a year from now was my newish mantra. Trying to create a fresh frame of mind and fresh outlook for the future. Then, 2020 happened! F’n 2020! Covid-19 and all that it brings along with social/political unrest centered around justice inequalities and racism in the country primarily involving policing. So here I find myself nearing the end of June 2020, and I’m still tumbling, not a full free fall but not yet stable. Slowly adding fragments of stillness to my day and to myself. Thus allowing me to actually work on the post and possibly to formulate future post. I started this post almost a year ago, I’ve written and rewritten and then just stopped, not sure what to do or say. However I’m needing to do something, either stop everything, including my photography and try something different, or to stand and keep pushing forward with what I’ve already started, or both in some form or another. I’m still not sure exactly what I’m going to do or how, or where for that matter. But something needs to change, things will change.

365* Project...182.5 Re-Boot! by BIlly Sauerland


The 365project started strong in the beginning, I did have fears that it would not last and then ultimately it would fade and stop. That of course is exactly what happened, unfortunately I was unable to maintain the effort and I became distracted by other things going on in me life. The last month or so I’ve been thinking of a way to reintroduce and complete the project in a meaningful way. This came about through efforts I am making to restart my photo book as well. Evaluating what has lead me to this point, not having completed the projects I have started the last year. I began to refer to the last year, really the last two years as “year of the asterisks,” more on that later.

So that the numbers add up to what the original project would have contained, there must be an accounting of the missing images. So the idea of two images a day, beginning at the half way mark on day 182 or near the beginning of day 183. There are already 15 images posted for the project, one with an asterisks, there will be some forgiveness near the end of the year. As of right now I do not know what that forgiveness will be however for now I want to re-establish a regular regiment without too many variables to try to make it easier for the new routine to become established.

Exit Glacier, Kenai Fjords National Park, Seward, AK

Exit Glacier, Kenai Fjords National Park, Seward, AK

As I am working on this blog post I am watching “National Parks Adventure” on Netflix. It is a McGullivery Freeman IMAX film, if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it. Seeing images of National Parks featured in the program makes me want to take a big road trip so badly. One of my dreams has always been to travel the country and photograph all the parks. The tag line on my website, “Where I Go, What I See.” This is something that I have always held close, wanting to share what I see, what I bear witness to. From Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park to Bison in the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve north of Pawhuska, OK.

Bison, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Pawhuska, OK

Bison, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Pawhuska, OK

This, in a lesser way, is what I want to try and achieve with the 365* project, to share “Where I Go, What I See” on a daily basis. The images may not be grand or awe inspiring but they will be true and honest, to share the truth of the day and place.

With that, I move forward with true and honest intent to be open to what may come everyday until the end of the year and after. To not be re-active but pro-active in my efforts and outlook.

Downtown over 6th. by BIlly Sauerland

Shooting the image that you have long wanted to shoot. I spent sometime finding a location where a composition I was looking for was possible. Sometimes it takes time a lot of time. The image of Downtown over 6th street, is not perfect, but is very close to what I was looking for. The power lines that bisect the buildings of downtown was not in my original concept but I am not completely displeased with the resulting image. I had contemplated removing them from the image but then I thought it would be dishonest, I have also come to the thought that the power lines actually add to the image, giving it some weight of reality, of what truly is there.

Downtown over 6th street.

Downtown over 6th street.

I haven’t been producing images, content as I thought I would be when the year began, example i began writing this post on 3/14 and just now posted it, but I posted it. I started a 365 project at the beginning of the year as do many photographers. Unfortunately I allowed myself to become distracted from it, and just shooting in general. Struggling with some close and personal issues since the end of last year, they caught up with me, and I was unable to push them to the side. However I do intend to resume the 365 project and complete it this year. With an * of course, but completed nonetheless.