Pursuing your passion for conservation photography is an incredible opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.
Read Moretravelphotography
Designing the strongest image you can. /
The design elements in a photograph are crucial to creating a visually appealing and emotionally impactful image. A well-designed composition can draw the viewer in and convey the intended message with ease. There are several design elements that are important in creating a great composition in a photograph, including line, shape, form, space, texture, and color.
Read MoreAperture, shutter speed and ISO-Oh My! /
Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are the three key elements that photographers must consider when taking photographs.
Read More13 days 12...11...10...9... to the Re-Boot! /
13 days until it starts, until I begin again to capture “Where I Go, What I See” everyday. Stay tuned for more information on what in the world that actually means.
Cottonwood, Little Sahara State Park, Waynoka, OK